During a recent speech at Dubai’s Token 2049 conference, Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced that Telegram has reached 900,000 users, making it one of the top six apps globally. Telegram offers its own ecosystem featuring chatbots, mini-apps, and business channels. Major tech companies like Microsoft have also begun integrating with Telegram, such as their Co-pilot chatbot.
Telegram's ecosystem provides significant benefits for businesses, including secure communication, cost-effectiveness (since the Telegram Bot API is free), a user-friendly interface, access to a large user base, and revenue opportunities through shared advertising and premium subscriptions.
However, in the US, which is potentially one of the largest markets for Telegram, there is a belief that its primary use case is for cheating on partners, due to its strong emphasis on privacy features such as secret chats, passcode locks, and self-destructing messages. Any life hacks? We won't tell anyone.
New Opportunities with Telegram's Growing Ecosystem

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